The Interview Zone

You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Interview Zone! [Read More]

In Tolerance We Trust

What does the word ‘tolerance’ mean to you? Where do you land on the spectrum from tolerance to intolerance? The world has become a very polarized place where tolerance for other’s viewpoints are not accepted. In my opinion, the tolerance one has for someone is proportional to how close they... [Read More]

Rock the Gradle

For those of you out there that are software engineers, how many build tools have you seen over the course of your career? The newest fad in build tooling is called Gradle. I’m just going to come out and say it. I HATE GRADLE! [Read More]

Motivational Voodoo

My intention with this blog was to try and post each weekday, and it seems I’ve failed. My previous post was on February 20th, and it is now the 26th. I missed three days of posts due to a severe case of motivational voodoo. [Read More]

Ego Vision!

I admit it, I’ve been that guy. You know the engineer that is so caught up in their incredible work that they are blind to the realities? This is a behavior I’ve seen all too often as an engineer. [Read More]

Distillation of an Idea

This is my 15th post in the last two and a half weeks, and I would never have guessed how hard it would be to find an idea to write about each weekday. What I’ve found interesting is how the process of distilling a blog idea correlates to my work.... [Read More]

The Age of Inadequacy

Have you ever been in the position where you suddenly realize that your kids have begun to surpass you in terms of knowledge and skills? Some of you may not be in that position yet, but let me tell you it can make you feel old and inadequate. [Read More]

Look to the future, don't dwell in the past.

What do these companies have in common? Sears, Blackberry, and Zynga. If your answer was that they are all on life support and are not likely to survive, you win. But why are they failing, and what did they all do in common that lead them down to the cliff’s... [Read More]

Using Instinct in an Ocean of Data

One of the biggest things to happen in the last few years, is data driven decision making. Companies are spending huge amounts of money building predictive models to solve a variety of problems. Humanity has a tendency to take technologies to extremes without thinking through the consequences. What are the... [Read More]

Controlling Microservice Chaos

Microservices are the new big thing, and they are not without their pitfalls. This blog post talks about how to control the dependency hell that comes with microservices. However, one issue that seems to be missing in the discussions around microservices is system control. [Read More]

The Corruption of Agile

In a previous post I talked about the new addiction, but what happens when adoption of something leads to a corruption in the benefits it brings? Everyone these days is using Agile in some way shape or form, but as I’ve observed many have unknowingly corrupted the methodologies. [Read More]

Lead, follow, or ?

Have you ever given advice, technical or factual, only to have it ignored? Then watched those advised as they blithly drive off a cliff or into a wall because they chose to ignore the advice? I’ve seen this scenario play out many times, and found that how you approach those... [Read More]

Rationalize this!

Have you ever been in the position of having to assert a position or thought, except you couldn’t quite rationalize it? Or maybe you woke up in the middle of the night with the sudden solution to a problem that had been plaguing you for a period of time without... [Read More]

No Pain No Gain

This blog isn’t the best thing since sliced bread. Heck, the writing isn’t even all that great, and the subject matter seems to be a bit shallow (yes I may be overly self critical). So why do I bother? Why am I doing this? [Read More]